Sunday, August 10, 2008

One World, One Dream

Once again the time has come for the world to come together to celebrate the sports they love. The backdrop is being provided by Beijing, China, the amusement is provided by the athletes who dedicate their lives for the pursuit of an Olympic moment to call their own.

The Olympics are a period where politics and conflict should be set aside to commemorate the games once proudly contested by the Grecian athletes believed to have been sculpted by the Gods. Much like those athletes of the past, we marvel at the participants of this the games of the XXIX Olympiad for the skill and passion with which they compete.

As these games are contested we can not help but notice the protests and issues being raised by many groups with special interests in mind. These interests may be noble in nature but should have no place in Beijing during these two weeks. We are all in agreement that there are atrocities being lived through in Darfur. China is not exactly a beacon of positive light with some of their beliefs and practices.

These next two weeks are not about that though; it is not in question whether you are supporting the decree of the host government. What is in question is can Michael Phelps become the most decorated swimmer since Mark Spitz? Will the team dubbed the Redeem team take back the Gold medal the U.S. believes they are entitled to?

In the world today we are constantly bombarded with the callousness of the world events. We live in a society in which we are forced to bear witness to great political injustices. The one liberation we are granted is the escape of the sports world.

While not asking you to completely forget or ignore the actions and inequality taking place around the world, you are being asked to suspend that reality in order to support the greater cause.

Do not be afraid to show your patriotism, wherever your allegiance may lie. These are your Olympians ladies and gentlemen.

No matter how you may feel about the dealings in the political arena, in this arena there is only one goal, and one dream.

You either get the gold, or you go wait four long years for the chance to prove again that you have what it takes.

For the next two weeks be as vociferous as you can be, however direct that in the direction of undeniable support for the athletes that wear your colors proudly.

For them the world is one of sport, and competition; One world, One dream.

It’s a beautiful sentiment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"One World - One Dream" is a great sentiment, I agree, but what does it mean?

I also see that the Beijing Olympics has appointed an Esperanto translator, and that CRI now broadcast in Esperanto.

What does this mean?

I saw this on