Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Call to Action

It has been said in today’s world that idealism gives people a false sense of hope!

What is so wrong about having hope?

Why is having something to dream for such a negative?

People today are asked to give up so much of themelves so that the dollar may advance. What ever happened to dreaming? Is allowing ourselves to for one moment believe that we could achieve greatness so bad?

Several questions have been posed just since the beginning of this commentary, and yet few answers remain. Children are asked to grow up so fast today. The days of summers spent in the park dreaming of playing in the World Series have been replaced by a video game realm in which life has very little meaning or respect.

Athletes today show those same children that values and morals mean little in the world of greed, pride, and “me first”.

It is time that we as a sports fan, rise and be heard. Do not let business and society invade the purity of our games; of our dreams.

As a child we were told that we could do anything we could imagine. So why are we now creating a world where games, art, and creativity do not matter.

Bigger, Faster, Stronger is the motto of those games that we played with enthusiasm. Said, enthusiasm has changed from love of the game to love of gaining whatever advantage possible to get ahead.

All that can be asked is that we let them dream if only for one more night. Show them the benefits of putting down the Ipod, or the Playstation and doing something amazing. Mediocrity is no longer valued in this civilization, and yet we are allowing children to grow into nothing more than cheap versions of who they should be.

There is no standardized test for greatness; it can come in many forms. But by not allowing people to reach for those idealistic hopes, we are creating a world in which colors turn to grey, and dreamers turn to realists.

It is our responsibility to ensure that the games of our youth and the memories of the great players of these games are preserved for future generations. Without it, we are nothing more than drones. This is a call to action for all people to let our children know that their dreams can be achieved with a little help, and some dedication, not with a test- tube and steroids.

Reach for the sky, kids of all ages, because you’re never too old to wonder what could be.


Anonymous said...

first off Hope is about acknowledging something that has already been given and one Hoping that it wil also be available to another that wants it.

Faith is better because it is the idea that something will happen when no evidence has been given that it is possible.

Your rambling on hopes and dreams is long winded and offers no new ideas to guide us through this present time. A little shorter on the speech and you might catch my attention.

Anonymous said...

Apparently you had the previous readers attention, otherwise he/she wouldn't have known wether it was long winded or not!

We all need something to keep us on our path to our dreams and goals. Whatever works be it HOPE or FAITH! I am of the belief that they work in tandem.

Anonymous said...

I feel that whoever left the anonymous comment needs a dictionary. Hope is not about aknowledgeing something that has been given, it is about the feeling that what you want and desire will be fulfilled. Becasue often it is not. Faith is not better becasue without hope you cannot have faith. You have to hope that the things you have faith in will work out that way you want them to. Maybe if you listened to the words that were written instead of trying to find something wrong with the article, you may have learned something, and not showed your utter lack of FAITH that the world can be again a place that children can be children and have the right to hope and dream. You find fault in the honest beliefs of a person who is brave enough to put his thoughts out there for people like you to criticize. Obviously you are not as brave because you didn't even put your name on your uneducated comment.